Profitable insurance companies pull out all stops to block health care reform
Have you noticed the following phrases reaching fever pitch from pundits and the media: "government takeover," "rationing," "bureaucrats not doctors prescribing medicine" and "socialized medicine"?
Have you noticed the following phrases reaching fever pitch from pundits and the media: "government takeover," "rationing," "bureaucrats not doctors prescribing medicine" and "socialized medicine"?
There's a very contrived reason for that...
Watch this shocking interview from a former health insurance executive as he discloses the specific tactics used to sway public and congressional opinion about health care reform. The insurance industry (as well as the pharmaceutical industry) is frantically scrambling to maintain the status quo and the billions in profits they currently make at the expense of patients. And as you can see from this video, they are very, very effective.
As someone who spent a decade working for the pharmaceutical industry (and leaving in disgust), I certainly could relate to Wendell Potter's need to come forward. In both our cases, people's lives were dependent on it.
As someone who spent a decade working for the pharmaceutical industry (and leaving in disgust), I certainly could relate to Wendell Potter's need to come forward. In both our cases, people's lives were dependent on it.
(Along these lines, this week I'll be interviewing Dr. Howard Dean about the nuts and bolts of the health care issue. And I'm going to try my darndest to keep politics out of the conversation.)
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