Posted by Cari @ The Kathleen Show
This has been the year of films (and books) about our broken food system. But one not to be missed is “King Corn” by filmmakers Curt Ellis and Ian Cheney.
If you liked The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan (who is also interviewed in "King Corn"), you'll love this film. These guys took what Pollan uncovered about corn to the big screen.
The film follows Curt and Ian (and their corn) on a crazy journey—from farm fields in Iowa through our industrialized food system and onto our kitchen tables. And what we get is a charming little film about what's wrong with how we farm and what we eat today (you guessed it...CORN!).
For more on this fantastic documentary and how corn became the backbone of our diets (and expanding waistlines), listen to Kathleen’s interview with Curt Ellis.
This entry has been posted as part of Food Renegade’s Fight Back Friday.
Previous Fight Back Friday entries:Do you own McDonald’s?
Food fight heats up
Real food rock stars
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