Welcome back to Prevention Not Prescriptions Tuesday. This is a weekly forum where we’re coming together to inform and inspire each other to better health.
It's straight forward and simple. Tuesdays will be our chance to take our health into our own hands and say “hell no” to the pharmaceutical industry’s endless search for profits. Sound like something you want to be involved with? Here are the details on how to participate each week.
Once again, a big thank you to all of our contributors. This edition of Prevention Not Prescriptions is packed full of health questions that will keep you above ground and vibrant. We also have a very interesting discovery about BPAs in organic food, a recipe (and video) for kale chips and a call to action for parents.
Now, in case you missed this must-read article, we’re kicking things off this week with a little satire from Mark Morford (warning: get ready to laugh out loud)…
New Coke mini: Now with 36% less death
Information is inspiration
Our health report card for 2009: Are we making progress?
Is BPA a problem?
By 2019, obesity will be number one cause of death in America
What the #*%@! is Cellulite?
Food, Diet & Nutrition
Getting real about our children
Krazy kale chips
The end of overeating
Weight loss: Would a picture in your mind help?
Personal Responsibility
To mammogram…or not
Self Care & Alternative Treatments
Tis’ the season for Chinese herbs
Nintendo Wii - Can it make you forget you're exercising?
Does Prilosec increase vulnerability to food poisoning?
Statins and Niacin…a concerted effort?
Happiness = Healthiness
Prevent relationship boredom
Defining moments
The wishing formation
In the Media
10 Signs Vegetarianism is Catching On by Kathy Freston
Health Care Savings Could Start in the Cafeteria
Women Don’t Work Out Hard Enough, Docs Say
Give the gift of prevention for the holidays…
Kathy Freston on The Kathleen Show