The Marion Nestle interview
Posted by Cari @ The Kathleen Show
“We need to be active citizens in order to protect our own health” -Dr. Marion Nestle
We have more food being produced in our country than ever before, but is that a good thing? Not when it means that food companies are encouraging people to eat more and we’re getting sicker (and bigger) every day because of it.
So if you’re fired up about food like we are, Dr. Marion Nestle is your gal. She knows food. She knows what’s in it, where it comes from…and how power players are working behind the scenes to influence it, often at the expense of our health.
Kathleen recently chatted with this food guru about the food industry and its wide-reaching power to not only dictate what’s available and affordable, but also its influence over government leaders through deep pockets and campaign funding. Dr. Nestle exposes unethical marketing practices, food lobbyists and government subsidies for the ingredients that make up most of the processed junk we eat. And most importantly, she shares how we as consumers can fight back.
Listen to Dr. Marion Nestle’s interview:
Listen to Kathleen’s monologue for her thoughts on the crap food we collectively pay for with our tax dollars and expanding waistlines:
Kathleen’s interview with Michael Pollan
Cut the crap and get healthy
Buy “Food Politics” by Marion Nestle
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