Welcome back to Prevention Not Prescriptions Tuesday. This is a weekly forum where we’re coming together to inform and inspire each other to healthier living. Tuesdays are our chance to take our health into our own hands and say “hell no” to more pills and the pharmaceutical industry’s endless search for profits.
Healthier negotiations...
A conscious approach to prevention
What exactly is prevention?
Most of us would agree that we want to live as long as possible, as healthy as possible. Prevention, then, becomes a means to achieve that goal.
We do preventive things – or we don’t do non-preventive things – to maximize our quality and quantity of life. We eat healthy foods – or we avoid unhealthy foods. We don’t smoke. We drink alcohol in moderation. We exercise regularly. Prevention helps us manage that balancing act toward achieving our goals of living our longest and healthiest lives.
The problem is - nobody is perfectly preventive. Continue reading...
Calorie counts on menus:
What's the point?
Do people even know how much is too much?
By Jenn Givler
From Our Show to You...
Why soil matters
By Kathleen Slattery-Moschkau
Food, Diet & Nutrition
Obesity, insulin levels and cancer?
By Susan Dopart
Super hero foods
By Lisa Corrado
Chocolate Is good for you
By Dr. Joe
Drink your way to radiant health
By Tess Challis
Wake up and smell the corn
By Jack
Personal Responsibility
Think globally, act locally
By Scott Spicer
Happiness = Healthiness
My challenge: stay more in the present
By Dr. Michelle Gannon
And your entry is next...
In the Media:
Should Cholesterol Drugs Be Used By Those Without High Cholesterol?
By Ed Edelson
@ Business Week
Chemicals in the Water Are Bending Genders in Wildlife -- Is It Happening to Us, Too?
By Stephen Messenger
@ AlterNet
Kombucha and Kefirs: Hype or Healthy?
By Ashley Koff
@ The Huffington Post
Prevention Not Prescriptions: Tuesday, March 30 with Heather Frey
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