The show that got my kids eating and cooking foods I've never even heard of...
I'll admit it. As much as I am a believer in real food—local and organic when possible—I've never had a lot of patience (ok, interest) in cooking. And as expected, that was the less than stellar example I was setting for my kids.
But one show changed everything in our house. Chopped is one of those slightly cheesy Food Network shows where the editing and music is as over-dramatized as an afternoon soap opera. But hot damn if it doesn't do something right.
Because in a house where we don't watch TV, we can't wait for the next episode of Chopped. And in a house where heavy cooking consists of opening a box of organic cereal, we are now cooking up a storm—focusing on "presentation, taste and creativity". My kids are asking us to buy things like plantains, crème fraîche, and jícama. And then they're cooking it. And eating it. And I'm a more peaceful sleeper.
We've even had a few Chopped competitions of our own which makes for a fun, tasty and competitive weekend afternoon. (Alright, mommy has yet to win, but next time I'm digging deep and whipping up some kumquat magic.)
Now that's good television.
(I want to give a special shout out to my best friend Michelle Backes for turning us on to Chopped. The woman runs circles around me.)
This entry has been posted as part of Food Renegade's Fight Back Friday.
Previous Fight Back Friday posts:
Five minutes about your "Ingredients"
The belly of the food movement? Kids...
What we learned from Woody